Bearing With One Another In Love

    We are a nation divided.

    We are a state divided.

    The American Church is a church divided.

    And if we are not intentional, we can become a local church divided.

    We are entering the most divisive of seasons. Each election year politicians and media fan the flames of division.

    Political candidates, citizens, families and even church members are intentionally focused on the issues on which we are divided by the media. Issues like Border Security, Abortion, LGBTQ+, Israel and Palestine, and the economy are plastered across our television and digital devices.

    Division and deception. The vocabulary used surrounding these issues is full of deception and outright lies. We don’t know who to believe or who to trust. “Surely, God didn’t say…” These are the tactics of the enemy.

    How do we maintain unity in the midst of this? Politics and elections are important.

    Bad public policy can have a negative impact on our communities’ flourishing, on real people. Good public policy can help the vulnerable and strengthen our communities. Yet, we shouldn’t let our engagement come at the expense of Christian unity.

    Ephesians 4 begins this way: "I, therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." This implies an intentional effort.

    In this election season, Christians will have differences on policy, on politicians, on approaches to cultural engagement. Our social media platforms reward hot takes and anger. It’s good and right for Christians to make good arguments, to speak out, to vote, to mobilize others, to run for office, to participate in our democracy.

    Yet we shouldn’t let a temporary political figure, or a fleeting political moment destroy our friendships and keep us from loving our brothers and sisters in Christ. What we share as blood-bought, redeemed sinners is much more valuable than where we differ in a heated political season. “Bearing with one another in love…”

    February is the perfect month to remind ourselves of this. Our unity will be maintained as we LOVE one another! Amen? One of the highlights of our year is the annual Valentine’s Day Banquet.

    This year’s Banquet will be held on Tuesday the 13th of February. Sign-ups are already available on the bulletin board in the hallway of the church building.

    If you aren’t already, please let me encourage you to consider attending a Sunday School class. We offer adult classes each Sunday at 8:30 and at 9:30.

    Also, our Wednesday evening services, and the Men’s Ministry and Women’s ministry offer fantastic discipleship opportunities! And don’t forget the youth!

    Information for all of this is available at

    God bless, Pastor Rob 



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