Several Sundays ago, I saw some crazy people. I am sure they don’t think they are crazy, but in my opinion… they are nuts. They had to be crazy because they were running up and down, and around the Kemah bridge.

    I mean, who in their right mind runs uphill? Not me. Nope. No way.

    Anyway… for lack of a better name I will call it the Kemah Bridge Marathon. The route caused a bit of a traffic jam, and as we slowly passed by the runners, I considered offering some of them a ride.

    I noticed an elderly man fighting downhill gravity as his feet almost came out from underneath him. I don’t think he fell, but it sure looked possible. Nearby, was a woman dressed like a sports model. Her stylish sportswear and glow-in-the-dark shoes looked great, but she was exhausted. Another man came bouncing along as if running up and down bridges was the height of simplicity. His face showed no sign of struggle.

    People of all ages and sizes ran past us. Some ran up. Others ran down. They all exhibited various stages of energy depletion. Some were as fresh as a daisy. Others pretended to be running, as they walked past the ones who had stopped altogether. They were bone-tired… pooped… done.

    Now, don’t get me wrong. I applaud them for getting into the race. Good for them. I hope the endorphins pushed them through the aches and pains quickly!

    I have not run up the Kemah bridge lately, but I must admit that there are some things that have stopped me in my tracks. In the past few months, my “tired” list has grown exponentially.

    The constant barrage of unhealthy news stories is exhausting. I am worn out by news coverage that repeatedly shows syringes near people’s arms. If I had the power, I would ban syringes from any form of video, forever. I look away when I get an injection, so why would I want to watch someone else get one? The division and suffering that I witness every day sap my energy. I am bone tired… pooped… and ready for a boost.

    So how does a tired person continue the race? Well… Paul says it best in the book of Hebrews:

    Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God – Hebrews 12:1-2.

    We can look to Jesus as the example of the joy we need as we run up and down and all around the path toward eternity. He has finished His race, and He promises to be with us every step of the way as we finish ours.

    Remember this… you are loved, and you are always in my prayers.

    In Christ, Cheryl



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