I recently dreamt an interesting dream. 

    Okay… the dream was more weird than interesting, but it is forever seared into my memory. 

    A couple of my childhood dreams are stored in the same memory bank. The one I remember most was a dream where I walked home from school only to find that my house was nowhere to be found. The other was a Godzilla-type monster dream where I narrowly escaped being under the monster’s big foot. These have stuck in my mind all these years, and now a new dream has been added. 

    The setting of my new dream is a federal building of some sort. Possibly the Library of Congress because it felt like I had been there before. The ceiling was high, and the doors were tall. There was a distinct echo in the hallway, and it smelled of old books. 

    I am not sure why, but Bernie Sanders was in my dream. He commissioned me as an opera singer. I tried to tell him that I was not an opera singer, and I was not equipped for the job. But even though I objected repeatedly, I was placed in a room with about twenty other people for opera rehearsal. 

    The problem: We were expected to rehearse without music or words. Plus, there was no director, and we only had a few hours to prepare. 

    At first, the confusion in the room was palpable. The people were not sure what to do next. Some asked questions as others searched the room for answers. Nothing was found and nobody knew the answers. Shortly thereafter Bernie Sanders told us to line up by the stage door. 

    I asked, “How are we going to pull this off? We don’t even know what we are supposed to sing.” 

    Bernie Sanders answered, “You don’t need to know. Just follow along.” 

    I asked, “Who do I follow? Nobody knows where to go.” 

    Bernie Sanders answered, “You know more than I do.” 

    Then I woke up. 

    Obviously, the dream had a huge impact on me, because it is still in my head. 

    As I pondered the dream, God reminded me of His faithfulness. God is not a god of confusion. His mercies are new every morning and His peace is beyond understanding. God always provides and He faithfully equips us for anything he asks of us. 

    Ephesians 13:20-21: Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. 

    Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

    It is true… with God’s help, I can do anything… even be an Opera Singer. 

    Remember this… you are loved, and you are always in my prayers. 

    In Christ, Cheryl



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