We’ve been undergoing some changes in the church office.  Specifically, we have installed a new, Voice Over Internet Protocol phone system with Comcast.  The transition has been quite an adventure.  Just last week, Joanne and I tried to transfer a call from my phone to her phone and we couldn’t figure out how to do it!  It was a comedy of errors! Then today something amazing happened!  Cory gave all of us an easy-to-read User Manual for our new phones.  Directions!  Praise the Lord!

    I am guessing you are already seeing the spiritual application from that illustration, but just in case you haven’t, let me share.

    We are going through some interesting changes in our church, our homes, our work, well…. with everything!  We are all struggling to adapt to the “new normal of constant change.”  It has been, at least for me, difficult and comical.  It seems almost impossible to plan anything!  Ugh!!!!

    We’re trying to have one service with masks and one service with masks optional.  It’s not working as I hoped it would.  We have folks staying away from the first service because we’ve asked people to wear masks and at the same time, we have people staying away from the first service because not everyone is wearing a mask.  Ugh!  Join me in praying for a better solution.

    There is a long list of things we have tried or are trying as we navigate through the murky waters of church in 2021.  Some will work and some will fail.  However, there is something available to us that will never fail.  The Directions!  God’s Holy Word! 

    How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Through your precepts I get understanding;  therefore I hate every false way. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. - Psalms 119:103-105

    Let’s do our best to stay as close to the Bible as we can as we move forward together!

    I’m excited about trying new things.  In October we are, for the first time, hosting a Pumpkin Patch!  This will be an awesome community outreach opportunity beginning on October 25th and ending on October 30th.  On the 30th there will also be an “Art in the Garden” event!  What a day that’s going to be!  Want to help?  Volunteers are needed!  You can sign-up on the bulletin board in the hallway of the Church Building.

    I’ll close with this… By this, all will know that you are My disciples if you have love for one another. - John 13:35

    Let’s love one another!

    God bless, Pastor Rob



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