War.  As I write this, war has started in the Ukraine.  I have some very strong feelings about what our level of involvement should be in this.  Unfortunately, most of those feelings are pure emotion and not based on facts, because, quite frankly, you and I are not being presented the facts by anyone!  Every single government and media (not much separation between them these days) outlet presents with a “version of truth” that they want you to believe.

    Truth.  As time moves on, the truth appears to be more difficult to find.  It seems like there is a concerted effort in the world to hide the truth in just about everything.  Like when life begins.  Or knowledge about viruses.  Or where the money goes.  Or what biology and anatomy actually mean. Or the true cost of sin.  Or what happens when you die.

    We started a new study on Wednesday evenings from the book of Ecclesiastes.  The study is titled, “How to Live in a Broken World.”  Ecclesiastes tears away all the lies and falsehoods and shows us the real truth as given by the Holy Spirit in God’s Word, the Bible.  Please join us!  We begin every Wednesday with worship and prayer.

    Before I move on to lighter subjects, please pray for peace. 

    It’s almost time for the Annual Chili Cook-off.  I am excited!  I have never actually won the Cook-Off, but it is one of my favorite events at church every year.  We expect a strong field of chefs to compete and to try to take the title and trophy from current champion Jennie Kivich!

    Plans and preparations are being made for our Second Annual Easter Resurrection Eggstravaganza.  Last year’s event was a huge hit with our community.  I am confident that this year will be even better!  However, without your participation, it can’t be done!  Please consider volunteering and helping with this important outreach as we share the real message of Easter with our neighbors!

    There is so much going on!  We’re hosting a family worship night with Blast and Cast Men’s Ministries on the 27th of March.  The Women’s Study, Queries of the Omniscient, starts again on the 6th.  Sign-up for VBS roles is available in the foyer.  Sign-up for Youth Camp is also available in the foyer.

     It's great to be busy and it’s awesome that we are having our fellowships and events again.  However, let’s not forget our purpose, to Make Known the Love of Christ. 



     But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

     Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

     God bless,

    Pastor Rob



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