Unbelievable!  Amazing!  This year’s VBS was all that and more!  I am so thankful for a church that works so well together for the kingdom of God!  I pray that every volunteer and contributor experiences an extra special blessing!  We had around 160 souls in the building each day.  25 of the kids made decisions for Christ and, for the first time ever, we had baptisms at Family Night…14 baptisms!

    A challenge to us all is to not view VBS as being over but rather as being the start of something awesome.  A common theme in each message shared from the pulpit the past month has been revival.  We heard that we must focus squarely on the Gospel and sharing the Gospel as the primary message of revival.  We were also reminded that current circumstances, political, spiritual, economic, and even natural disasters have historically been the soil from which revival has sprung. 


    Revival, first, must start with us.  A commitment to those things we know we should be doing, such as praying, witnessing, giving, fellowshipping and church attendance will be required of us for revival to start here.

    We are all feeling the economic crunch.  The church is feeling the crunch as well.  As Gerda and I respond by adjusting our budget, we are committed to keeping our church giving as our number one priority.  I will have no part in allowing satan a victory against our church because I failed to make giving a top priority.  Will you join us in that?  This is not an economic battle; it’s a spiritual battle being fought on the field of a bad economy. 

    If you haven’t seen the completed work in the Annex, you're invited to stop by and check it out!  Cory, Larry, John, Gene, Ethan, and many others, completely refurbished the main space in the Annex to serve as the new Youth Room.  Praise God for them and Praise God we have enough Youth to warrant the investment!  Next, the former Youth space in the portables will be renovated for Children.  Our current Children’s Ministry space is quickly becoming inadequate for the number of kids we have each week!  Hallelujah!!

    One final reminder, on the back of each chair in the sanctuary, are cards.  One of the cards is to keep us updated on how best to communicate with you.  If you have moved, changed emails or phone numbers, or are new to the church, please take the time to fill out one of the cards and drop it in the offering box. There is always a spiritual battle being fought on the field of communication!  Also, remember that all church events are listed on our website, www.fbcseabrook.org, on our Facebook page, on the calendar in the Newsletter, and on the announcements played on the screens before and after church.

    July 2nd will be our 22nd anniversary here at FBC Seabrook.  It will also be our 34th wedding anniversary.  Gerda and I thank God for both!

    This is going to be a great summer.  It’s hard to know what the future holds, but it’s awesome to know who holds the future!  Amen?

    God bless, Pastor Rob




    © 2025 FBC Seabrook   |   1506 Bayport Blvd., Seabrook, TX US 77586