Ready to Serve?

Nursery and Children's Ministry

Would you like to serve in an area that shapes the hearts and minds of our youngest members? We are always looking for people to join our children's ministry rotation. We need volunteers for the following areas:

Nursery - If you love to cuddle babies we have the job for you! We need volunteers in all areas of our Children's Ministry. The nursery is provided during both services.

PreK Church - If you enjoy toddlers and preschool-age children, this is your spot! We need volunteers in all areas of our Children's Ministry. PreK Church is provided during the 2nd service.

Children's Church - If you prefer to work with elementary-age children here is your opportunity! We need volunteers in all areas of our Children's Ministry. Children's Church is provided during both services.

If serving in Children's Ministry is for you, please email us at All Children's Ministry volunteers must submit to a background check.

(Children's Ministry Director: Ashley VanDerbeck / Nursery Director: Janice Gardner).

Hospitality Ministry

Maybe you enjoy cooking and serving food? If so, we have several opportunities for someone like you! We need people who enjoy providing meals for homebound members or for people returning home from the hospital. We also need help in the kitchen during potluck dinners and fellowships. If you have a heart for the hospitality ministry, please contact Mandy Stilwell.

Building and Grounds Maintenance

The church is not the building, but the church needs its building! FBC Seabrook is always looking for people who are willing to help maintain the property. Anywhere from changing a lightbulb to landscaping, we need handy people who enjoy cleaning, organizing, and fixing things. If you are interested in serving the Lord through this essential ministry, please contact Pastor Cory at

If you are aware of a maintenance need, please click the following link to complete a Work Request.

Work Request Form

Blast & Cast Men's Ministry

If you have a passion for the outdoors and want to be part of a rewarding, spirit-led journey to reach other men for Christ, consider joining this dynamic ministry.

Get Involved in Blast&Cast




© 2025 FBC Seabrook   |   1506 Bayport Blvd., Seabrook, TX US 77586